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So ... Shelly

"We forget that mental health is just like physical health:

healthy people aren't healthy 24/7"

Shelly’s path wasn’t paved overnight. It was forged through passion, perseverance, and a deep-rooted belief that traditional approaches to well-being needed a refresh.

Drawing from her work experience opening hospital units and outpatient clinics and developing new programs, Shelly poured her heart and soul into creating Emerald Therapy Center, LLC., a private, woman-owned, family-run healthcare group.

Today, Emerald has 6 locations and provides psychiatry/medical services, clinical and non-clinical behavioral health services. 

It was a labor of love driven by her unwavering conviction that her clients deserved a transformative approach to emotional well-being.  

Shelly’s deep dedication to shaking up the traditional therapy approach worked, not just for their clients, but also for the staff at Emerald.

On the heels of that success, Shelly knew in her core she wanted to continue to grow, but this time in a new direction.  

As the CEO of Emerald, she witnessed firsthand the importance of investing in the wellness of employees as well as the real day-to-day challenges of recruiting, retention, productivity and the power of improving company culture.

She began sharing her thought leadership on corporate wellness, self-care and mental health amongst children for ABC’s WKRN, NBC’s WSMV-4, MorningLine and Yahoo! Finance.

And, Shelly O’Neal Wellness Consulting was born. 

Now, Shelly invites you to embark on a journey of transformation for your organization.

Her approach is rooted in passion, authenticity, and the belief that well-being should be at the heart of every successful organization. She is committed to helping company leaders foster a culture of well-being that attracts top talent, boosts productivity, and enhances overall employee satisfaction.

Curious about how Shelly can help your organization? Schedule a quick call below to learn more.  

Image of Shelly O'Neal Wellness Consultant

The 4 Pillars Of Wellness


Promoting emotional health is important in our overall happiness, success, and relationships. Shelly feels the key is teaching clients that their power is in how well they learn to regulate their emotions, thoughts and behaviors. This skill allows them to choose positive actions that lead to making great life choices in spite of what life has thrown at them.


Financial health is closely linked to our emotional health. It is about developing financial confidence, security, and improving opportunities for employment, education, and life adventures.


Finding a realistic and relatable spiritual practice can be difficult for many clients, but Shelly’s belief is that having a spiritual foundation helps humans not only survive painful experiences but learn to thrive in spite of them. Many studies show that believing in something “bigger than yourself” and believing in divine protection, guidance, and intervention promotes overall health and longevity.


Physical health is the body's ability to move, function, and heal. The connection between nutrition, diet, exercise, and emotional health is very important.

Success for me looks like this: